Role play scripts for students
Role play scripts for students

role play scripts for students

The student in the role of the Serjeant-at-Arms picks up the Mace and joins the student in the role of the Speaker at the door. Students take their seats in the classroom. Title: Starting the role-play : the opening ceremony. Your House of Representatives is ready to begin. You'll also need two students to be the Clerk and the Serjeant-at-Arms. Presenter: You'll need a student who is good at reading, speaking and keeping order to be the Speaker. The Speaker, Clerk, and Serjeant-at-Arms put on costumes. Those students take their places and the teacher gives them scripts. The teacher selects the Speaker, Clerk, and Serjeant-at-Arms. The opposition will need a leader of the opposition, shadow minister and team whip. Presenter: The government team will need a prime minister, minister and team whip. The teacher hands out scripts, putting students into roles. Refer to Parliament Now on the PEO website for the current numbers in the House. Make sure that the ratio of members in your chamber compares to the real House of Representatives. Presenter: You can now sort the class into government and opposition teams, and Independents and minor parties. Graphic showing the composition of the House of Representatives. Students sitting on chairs in the classroom. Move the chairs into a horseshoe shape, with a table at one end. Presenter: Transform your classroom into the House of Representatives. Students, directed by the teacher, move chairs and tables so that the classroom resembles the House of Representatives. Presenter: Preparing some costumes and props will help your students get into role. Students assemble a mace, organise gowns, and place them on a table with a bell.

role play scripts for students

For our role-play, the students will be using the No Homework Bill from the PEO website. The PEO website has suggestions to help you decide on a bill. Students browse information on the PEO website, including the script for the No Homework Bill.

role play scripts for students

The teacher writes the suggestions on a whiteboard. They put up their hands and make suggestions for a bill. This will give your students some idea of how members of the House of Representatives are elected and what work they do. Presenter: To get your class started try a few preparation activities on the PEO website. Students browse information about the House of Representatives on the PEO website, including Classroom activities and a Seating Plan for the House of Representatives. Title: Law-making in the House of Representatives. If you want more information about how laws are made watch the PEO's law-making video. Most bills start in the House of Representatives. It is then signed by the Governor-General. To become a law a bill must be agreed to by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Presenter: One of the main ways that Parliament makes decisions for Australia is by passing laws. The presenter stands in the House of Representatives. This role-play presents a simplified version of the real Parliament, capturing its main ideas without all the complex procedural detail.Ī person browses the PEO website: Presenter: All of the scripts, resources and information that you will need for the role-play are on the PEO website. Through role-play, your students will run their own debates in their own parliament. They debate issues and then vote on them. Presenter: Members of parliament are elected by the Australian people to make decisions about how Australia is governed. Students in the role of members of parliament in the classroom, making speeches. The House of Representatives at work, including members giving speeches and a division in progress. With the help of this video your students will run their own debates, make their own speeches and vote on issues just like real members of parliament.

role play scripts for students

The best way to teach your class about Parliament is to turn your class into a parliament. Presenter: Teaching students about the Parliament can be engaging, exciting and easy. The presenter stands at the front of Parliament House. Opening credits showing animated shapes with the words, Understand, Teach, Book, Connect.

Role play scripts for students